Monday, January 7, 2008

A New Year full of changes

This year has started off with a bang. Friday, MAC left for his first weekend of seminary classes. He absolutely loved the entire experience! Class for 2 hours on Friday night, then he spent the night with a friend in Atlanta and class again on Saturday for 8 hours (although he did get out early). He said the professor is awesome, the material is extremely thought provoking and he just loves being in school. Hearing him recount the entire weekend just made me want to go back to school! Sunday was a real treat. We have been out of town for the holidays and then helping with the music in a church plant last it was a blessing to be back at our home church, among our teenagers for the day.

Mikayla had her first appointment with the child phsycologist for ADD on Friday. Basically, she asked us 100 questions and we set up her round of testing for Jan 22nd. It will take several hours and hopefully, the doctor can make some firm recommendations for treatment, if any is needed, by the end of January. Mikayla starts her "gifted classes" at school tomorrow and I'm really praying that she can keep up at this point.

Matthew continues to grow and he asks about 1000 questions a day. Yesterday's big one was "When God takes all the people off the earth, is he going to crush it?" LOL What do you say to that without getting into a ton of Biblical theology?!? We just had to laugh. He is a pretty deep thinker for a 4-year-old and asks some very deep questions about Jesus, God and the Bible. Maybe he'll be the next theologian in the family.

I am thanking God that both kids are finally back in school and my day is back to normal. And guess what? It's TAX SEASON! I am one of the crazy people in the world who enjoy doing taxes! Our membership with TurboTax was renewed today and I tried to start right in, but with no W2s, it's a little difficult! LOL So, I'll try to be patient and wait for the rest of the paperwork to trickle in.

So, that should catch everybody up. Again, nothing fancy, but life usually isn't fancy!

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