We've been at my parent's house since Friday and so blogging is a little slow these days. We got in late Friday night, but the kids had napped on the way here, so they were excited and running all around. Mom had set up 2 electric train sets for Matthew and he was engrossed in those for hours. Saturday, Mom and I went shopping and out to lunch, just like we used to do in the old days when I still lived at home and Mom made one of my favorite dishes for supper. Sunday we had a glorious service at church....lots of Handel's Messiah and the strings section of the Charlotte Symphony for even more fun. My grandad got to come to that service and even though this Christmas season is harder for him, due to my grandmother's death, I think he had a good time. Mom, Mikayla and I made cut-out sugar cookies in the afternoon between singing and dancing around the kitchen to Christmas songs on the radio. Then after the kids were in bed, we snuck to their rooms and ran in ringing jingle bells and banging pot lids (this was Mom's idea....and yes, even MAC joined in), scooped up the kids and ran them out to the truck in their pjs! We rode around and looked at Chistmas lights for an hour singing more Christmas songs and then the kids were about asleep by the time we got home. Then the adults sat around and ate cookies and played cards til late. Seems we've made a few new traditions this year. Next year, the kids will be expecting crazy adults to rush in ringing bells and throw them in the car!!
Today, the guys have gone golfing (in the cold...crazies!) and we will start working on the meal for tomorrow. There's a candlelight communion service at church tonight and hopefully my entier family will be there. My younger brother, Ben, and his family are lighting the final advent candle tonight, and hopefully, my youngest brother, Judah, will be able to make it. My grandad is coming to stay overnight, the first time he's done that in years and years. He and my Mimi used to spend the night with us every year on Christmas Eve. The kids are excited and we're having a blast. Hope your holidays are just as joyous! I probably won't be writing again until we get home, so hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
PS...Sam, I know you're not with family this year, but just know we're thinking of you and praying for you!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Finally the holidays are coming together....
For most of the first part of this month, it really didn't seem like Christmas. The death of my grandmother contributed, but also we were late getting our tree and decorations up and MAC got his Christmas bonus about a week late this year, so I had to wait to do our shopping until we could deposit that check. But since last weekend, things are really falling into place. I shopped Friday night and Saturday morning and knocked out our entire list....then came home and wrapped everything that same night. All my internet orders except for one arrived on time. I've had a few days this week to devote to baking for gift baskets for our neighbors, MAC and the kids had our annual Grinch Night...(where you watch Jim Carrey's Grinch in your Pjs and eat snacks) and have managed through it all to watch a new movie with MAC, do the laundry, clean the house and get ready for our trip out of town. I am so thankful at this time of year for God's blessings....the sending of His Son, the extra time He gives us with family, the financial blessings of bonuses and gifts. I encourage you to take a few minutes away from the hussle and busyness and just thank God for all of His goodness this year.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Guilt, stupidity and Christmas donations
Along with taking care of all the Xmas shopping on Saturday, I made a complete fool of myself....although no one knew it but me. There is one thing that makes me feel guilty no matter what time of year it is. People asking for donations. Sometimes they stand at doors in Santa suits ringing bells, other times they pass an offering plate. On Saturday they were on the side of the road. Have you ever been driving along minding your own business and come to an intersection and there are people standing there collecting money for some cause? Well, Saturday, it was the local fire department standing there with boots collecting money for some cause or other. I know you're asking yourself "Why in the world do these people cause such guilt?" Well, I'll tell you.....it's because I never have anything to give them!! There are people in this world who carry cash wherever they go. When they get paid, they put part in the bank and get some in cash which they carry around and use for small items, meals out, etc. I am not one of those people. I live by debit card and debit card alone! But the people collecting money for the Salvation Army, firefighters, local hospitals, etc don't take debit cards. But I feel no less guilty walking or driving by them and not having anything to give them. This is where the stupid part comes in. I exit the interstate after a day of Xmas shopping on Saturday and see that there are about 20 firefighters at the top of the ramp holding boots and collecting donations....and as usual, I have no cash or change. The light at the top of the ramp turns red. And what do I do? Instead of stopping at the top of the ramp, waving off the nice men collecting money and sitting in my car for the light to change.....I get in the right lane and make a quick turn in the opposite direction from where I needed to go! I drive down that road calling myself all kinds of idiot....do a u-turn....and try to time my approach back to that light so that it would be green. But NOOOO.....the light turns red.....and I end up having to stop right in the midst of all these firefighters and their boots. And instead of sitting there in my car and waving or just ignoring them, I have to roll down my window and explain to the guy that I'd love to donate to their cause, but have no cash. Roll up the window....and call myself all kinds of idiot again!
So, until these collectors start carrying debit card swipers....or until I change my habits of 30 years and start carrying cash....I will continue to feel guilty and will probably continue to use avoidance tactics to make myself feel better....or more stupid as this situation did!
PS: For those of you just dying to know about my new ring....here's a few details. It's 1.2 ct total weight, a round vintage setting with etching and diamonds on the band. Should be here tomorrow, then will have to be sized....so hopefully I'll have it back before Christmas.
So, until these collectors start carrying debit card swipers....or until I change my habits of 30 years and start carrying cash....I will continue to feel guilty and will probably continue to use avoidance tactics to make myself feel better....or more stupid as this situation did!
PS: For those of you just dying to know about my new ring....here's a few details. It's 1.2 ct total weight, a round vintage setting with etching and diamonds on the band. Should be here tomorrow, then will have to be sized....so hopefully I'll have it back before Christmas.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Me!
Today, Michael and I have been married 10 years! It's hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. When we got married back in 1997, we had just graduated college, I'd gotten my first car and first job, MAC had been laid off 2 weeks before our wedding and we were renting a tiny 4-room triplex for $300 a month! Now, here we are in a different state, living in our first (bought) house, with 2 cars, 2 kids and lots of jobs! But through all the changes in location, theology, family size and financial status over the years there's been one constant outside of God....and that has been Michael. He's been my rock in the midst of all the change; a spiritual leader and mentor for me, a steady personality, a loving husband and father....and he spoils me rotten :-) I really couldn't have asked for anything more. Plus, he has a great head of hair and that was on my list of "husbandly qualities" in college! So, Happy Anniversary to us and I truly hope God gives us another 10 years together.
And in light of this prestigious occasion, I have a few things to share that I've learned over our 10 years of marriage....so be prepared to be blown away by my vast wisdom (Ha!):
1. Huge, fancy weddings are overrated - I had the biggest wedding we could possibly afford....and remember hardly anything about it. The things I remember are my brother fainting as we left the church, mouthing the words to our duet because MAC forgot to memorize them, getting nothing to eat but a piece of cheese at our reception, and hugging 500 people in a receiving line, among other little tidbits. The number of people there, my dress, the decor, and the food at the reception are really distant memories and if we had it to do all over again, we'd have a small family/close friends wedding in a chapel or a beach somewhere. Maybe if we ever renew our vows, we can take the "minimalist" approach!
2. All guys are not like you've heard - some men do put the toiliet seat down, do squeeze the toothpaste the right way, do put the toilet paper on the roll correctly, don't burp, pass gas or be crude in front of anyone including family, etc....and I happened to marry one of these rare men. No one believes me when I tell them these things.
3. Husbands can spoil you just as well as your daddy - this one explains itself. With a little whining or poutiness, anything is possible! And sometimes you get spoilied just because they love you. If you're married, withholding sex to get something is never an option, though.
4. Love is not always passionate - in fact, it tends to be dull and routine 90% of the time. But there's comfort in knowing that you don't have to be beautiful, made up or in a great mood to make your marriage work; and the sex doesn't have to be mind-blowing all the time. Sometimes it's just nice to have a person to kick back on the couch and watch TV with, or discuss football, or cut your toenails.
I have more observations, but that's all I have time for today! Until next time.....
PS - I did get my new ring, bought in on Ebay this morning before MAC went to work....and I even stayed in my budget :-)
And in light of this prestigious occasion, I have a few things to share that I've learned over our 10 years of marriage....so be prepared to be blown away by my vast wisdom (Ha!):
1. Huge, fancy weddings are overrated - I had the biggest wedding we could possibly afford....and remember hardly anything about it. The things I remember are my brother fainting as we left the church, mouthing the words to our duet because MAC forgot to memorize them, getting nothing to eat but a piece of cheese at our reception, and hugging 500 people in a receiving line, among other little tidbits. The number of people there, my dress, the decor, and the food at the reception are really distant memories and if we had it to do all over again, we'd have a small family/close friends wedding in a chapel or a beach somewhere. Maybe if we ever renew our vows, we can take the "minimalist" approach!
2. All guys are not like you've heard - some men do put the toiliet seat down, do squeeze the toothpaste the right way, do put the toilet paper on the roll correctly, don't burp, pass gas or be crude in front of anyone including family, etc....and I happened to marry one of these rare men. No one believes me when I tell them these things.
3. Husbands can spoil you just as well as your daddy - this one explains itself. With a little whining or poutiness, anything is possible! And sometimes you get spoilied just because they love you. If you're married, withholding sex to get something is never an option, though.
4. Love is not always passionate - in fact, it tends to be dull and routine 90% of the time. But there's comfort in knowing that you don't have to be beautiful, made up or in a great mood to make your marriage work; and the sex doesn't have to be mind-blowing all the time. Sometimes it's just nice to have a person to kick back on the couch and watch TV with, or discuss football, or cut your toenails.
I have more observations, but that's all I have time for today! Until next time.....
PS - I did get my new ring, bought in on Ebay this morning before MAC went to work....and I even stayed in my budget :-)
Monday, December 10, 2007
A "Xmas" Revelation
This is my second post today.....but just had to share a revelation I had over the weekend. I was always raised with the viewpoint that to write or type "Xmas" was disrespectful to Christ and meant that you were taking the "Christ" out of Christmas. All of my life, I have felt guilty any time I used that shortcut in writing, emailing, etc. It suddenly occurred to me on Friday, while feeling that guilty twinge once again, that "X" is the Greek letter chi which in NT times, stood for "Christ". Even Wikipedia lists a usage of X (Greek) as the "X" in Xmas. Therefore, those of us who use Xmas aren't trying to leave Christ out of Christmas, it's just an easier form of writing or typing the word. I refuse to feel guilty for doing it anymore!
MAC informed me that he's told me this for the past 6 years. Guess that goes to show how well I'm listening, hmmm?
MAC informed me that he's told me this for the past 6 years. Guess that goes to show how well I'm listening, hmmm?
The Teenage Spirit
Well, we finally got our holiday decorations up over the weekend (the boxes are still cluttering up the living room, though), so that's one big thing checked off my to-do list. MAC gets his Xmas bonus tomorrow, which means this weekend is shopping time! The older I get the more I dislike holiday shopping. The crowds are annoying, the stores aren't stocked all that well and I get tired much faster than I used to! But I will persevere so our family gets a gift and the kids are excited on Xmas morning.
Our round of parties started last night with the senior high youth group party at a local coffee house. You know, even though our bodies are aging rapidly (who know those lines/wrinkles around your eyes could just pop up overnight!?!), our spirits are still young and we had a far better time last night with 70 teenagers in a crowded public venue than we ever do at an adult Xmas party held in someone's fancy home. I hope that we can continue to be "young at heart" even as we get older and older; and working with teens on a consistent basis really helps in that regard.
And in closing, here are a few things I learned this weekend:
1. Swim meets (at least in our area) are not for those of us who get hot easily. The local pool used for our teen's swim meets is enclosed in a huge "bubble", lighted inside with hot lamps. The smell is awful (think 100 wet teens and their clothing/shoes), everything is damp and there are parents everywhere. Mikayla and Matthew were not impressed and since it's been in the 80s for the past few days here in GA, you couldn't even escape the heat by going outside. The next swim meet we go to will be in an aquatics center!
2. Blockbuster employees are not always the most trained at their jobs. Case in point - I go on Saturday night to rent a movie and the guy pulled a copy of the new POTC movie out of the return box. I'm so excited to get one because they're always sold out, and the guy is all talking about how he found me one, etc, etc. I get home with 2 movies (POTC 3 and Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale) intending to have a nice movie night since MAC was working on a computer and doing some seminary reading. I finish POTC and go to pop in Christian Bale....and the stupid guy at Blockbuster hadn't taken the security "thing" out of the movie because he was so busy apologizing because he was slow, telling me how he found me the POTC movie, etc. I tried to pry it out and ended up breaking it off inside the movie case. Needless to say, very annoying. MAC took it back last night after our party and another guy just swapped it out for him and when asked if we could have it for an extra day (it was due back by noon today) just said "Oh, man, yeah, man, we'll take care of it for you". What does that mean? He didn't recheck it out or anything! I just know next time I go in there to rent something there's going to be a late charge on our account!
3. Christmas songs get VERY old. Do you have radio stations that play Christmas songs 24/7? Well, several of my pre-set stations in the car do. How many times can you hear "Winter Wonderland" before it gets old? Doesn't matter if it's by 10 different people! I enjoy Christmas music as much as the next person, but there's a limit to what we can endure :-)
So, there are some things I learned this weekend. Maybe you've come across the same things! LOL
Our round of parties started last night with the senior high youth group party at a local coffee house. You know, even though our bodies are aging rapidly (who know those lines/wrinkles around your eyes could just pop up overnight!?!), our spirits are still young and we had a far better time last night with 70 teenagers in a crowded public venue than we ever do at an adult Xmas party held in someone's fancy home. I hope that we can continue to be "young at heart" even as we get older and older; and working with teens on a consistent basis really helps in that regard.
And in closing, here are a few things I learned this weekend:
1. Swim meets (at least in our area) are not for those of us who get hot easily. The local pool used for our teen's swim meets is enclosed in a huge "bubble", lighted inside with hot lamps. The smell is awful (think 100 wet teens and their clothing/shoes), everything is damp and there are parents everywhere. Mikayla and Matthew were not impressed and since it's been in the 80s for the past few days here in GA, you couldn't even escape the heat by going outside. The next swim meet we go to will be in an aquatics center!
2. Blockbuster employees are not always the most trained at their jobs. Case in point - I go on Saturday night to rent a movie and the guy pulled a copy of the new POTC movie out of the return box. I'm so excited to get one because they're always sold out, and the guy is all talking about how he found me one, etc, etc. I get home with 2 movies (POTC 3 and Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale) intending to have a nice movie night since MAC was working on a computer and doing some seminary reading. I finish POTC and go to pop in Christian Bale....and the stupid guy at Blockbuster hadn't taken the security "thing" out of the movie because he was so busy apologizing because he was slow, telling me how he found me the POTC movie, etc. I tried to pry it out and ended up breaking it off inside the movie case. Needless to say, very annoying. MAC took it back last night after our party and another guy just swapped it out for him and when asked if we could have it for an extra day (it was due back by noon today) just said "Oh, man, yeah, man, we'll take care of it for you". What does that mean? He didn't recheck it out or anything! I just know next time I go in there to rent something there's going to be a late charge on our account!
3. Christmas songs get VERY old. Do you have radio stations that play Christmas songs 24/7? Well, several of my pre-set stations in the car do. How many times can you hear "Winter Wonderland" before it gets old? Doesn't matter if it's by 10 different people! I enjoy Christmas music as much as the next person, but there's a limit to what we can endure :-)
So, there are some things I learned this weekend. Maybe you've come across the same things! LOL
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holidays?? What Holidays?
Because of all the abnormal things that have been happening since we had to cancel our trip to TN for Tgiving, it seems like the days are flying by and I'm getting nothing done! We've barely thought about getting the tree and decorations up, I haven't bought the first Christmas gift and here it is almost a while week of December already past. This means we must get our normally procrastinating butts in gear and at least get the tree up this weekend.....and we'll enjoy it for all of 2 weeks before we leave for my parents for Christmas and then take it down on New Years! Gotta love the holidays! Actually, I do love the holidays...even if they are hectic.
In other family news, MAC is still sick. Went to a new doctor on Tuesday morning and they gave him all sorts of breathing treatments, tests, x-rays, and 2 more prescriptions. It seems to be helping, but very slowly. At least he feels better, even if his chest is still full of gunk. He goes back on Monday to discuss the X-rays with the doctor.
The kids have 2 more weeks of school before Christmas holidays, which will fly by. They're having fun making Christmas crafts and doing activities. School always seems to be more fun right before big breaks!
So, our lives are returning to normal...or as normal as lives can be during the busy days of December. Hope y'all are getting your holiday things done faster than we are!
In other family news, MAC is still sick. Went to a new doctor on Tuesday morning and they gave him all sorts of breathing treatments, tests, x-rays, and 2 more prescriptions. It seems to be helping, but very slowly. At least he feels better, even if his chest is still full of gunk. He goes back on Monday to discuss the X-rays with the doctor.
The kids have 2 more weeks of school before Christmas holidays, which will fly by. They're having fun making Christmas crafts and doing activities. School always seems to be more fun right before big breaks!
So, our lives are returning to normal...or as normal as lives can be during the busy days of December. Hope y'all are getting your holiday things done faster than we are!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
In Memory of my Mimi

This past week has been one of the more difficult weeks of my life. Mimi finally went to be with the Lord about 4am last Friday morning. She was 84 years and 2 weeks old and had battled Parkinsons disease for about 10 years. After traveling back to GA with the family, making funeral arrangements, attending the viewing with 2 kids in tow and then singing at the funeral (Mimi's request and not an easy one to carry out) I was physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. My Pop (dad's father) died 2 years ago in August and the scenario was the same. A prolonged illness with a rapid decline. There's almost a relief at the death....no more nightly vigils, no more wondering when it will happen, no more worrying about whether they're in pain and can't communicate it. Then after the arrangements are made, there's a viewing. Whenever I've seen a viewing on TV or something like that, they're always sombor affairs, where people file in slowly and exchange quiet condolences with the family. Viewings are not like that in my family. There are always kids running around, laughing, joking, remembering, catching up....it's almost like a reunion, of sorts. And since almost everyone in my immediate family is a Christian, there's really no reason for viewings or funerals to be somber!
When I looked at Mimi in that coffin, all made up and looking asleep, I almost felt empty inside. Maybe empty isn't a good word.....there was just no emotion for the person in the coffin. That body was a shell, and to me, it looked like that. My Mimi wasn't in that coffin. She was never cold or stiff or lifeless in all the years I knew her. My Mimi was alive and fun, she enjoyed family get togethers and meals, she loved to dance and sing and play the piano or organ, she complained about her weight, she hated black and loved pink, she made me tuna fish sandwiches, she argued with my Pap-Pap about cooking, and she loved God and missions and helping others. It's been quite a while since she's been able to do a whole lot....first it was her coordination that went, then her ability to control her legs and the rest of her body, then her appetite. She went from a walker to a wheelchair to a gerry chair to a bed....from a healthy woman who loved to eat to a frail, withered woman we could barely recognize. But, when she was "all there", she still loved to talk and sing, she was a witness for Jesus from her bed in the nursing home, and she planned her funeral and was ready to go home to be with her Lord. So yes, her passing was sad for all of us and her funeral was difficult and I cried a good bit....but just think.....she's in heaven now and she can walk and talk and sing and dance and she's with the Lord she loves! And that's the Mimi I will always remember.
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