Friday, November 9, 2007

ADD, anyone?

This is a wonderful start to a blog, but honestly, it's the latest major happening in the Collins' household. Yesterday was the first parent/teacher conference of the year at Mikayla's school and I was informed - very nicely, by the way - from her teacher that she might have ADD. This isn't something new to us, since her teachers have told us this every year since she was in K-3 - but we assumed she would grow out of it, it was only a borderline condition, and she always did so well in school (usually above average and scores very highly on tests) that we didn't give it much thought. But yesterday's conference really hit hard. Basically, the teacher told me that Mikayla has SO much potential that she's not even reaching because she just can't seem to focus at school. She wants to recommend Mikayla for "Focus Group Classes" (gifted classes) but is hesitant because of the large amount of testing to qualify. We know about the testing because she's been recommened for Focus Group Classes before but could not pass the battery of state tests in the Math/logical thinking areas. Usually, Mikayla's "zone-out" times were in Math, but now it's starting to affect her language arts/writing skills which she has always excelled at. On a side note, can I just say that what is expected of students in school today is NOT what was expected of us when we were in elementary school 20 years ago! She is working on long division and writing early stage term papers (research, note cards, glossary, etc). These things don't work when you can't focus or group activities into logical sequences. To make a long story short, this was a major blow! Part of it is pride on my part - I don't want my child to have psychological problems or a learning deficiency, I want her to be perfect! But at the same time, how can I not attempt to help her reach her full potential in school? So, after much talk, research and tears last night I called made an appointment for her with a psychologist this morning. Funny - we couldn't get an appointment for 2 MONTHS the doctor was backed up so far. Anyway, we're going to have her evaluated to see if she does indeed have ADD, then we'll look into options besides medication since I believe medication should be a last resort.

It's so hard for me to understand this problem because my mind is almost over-organized and my ability to focus is not a problem. Michael, however, still struggles with his ADD and knows exactly how she feels and operates. At least God gave me a partner who can help understand and deal with this on a very personal basis! So, there you have it.....the latest excitement in the Collins family. Now it's time for me to clean bathtubs :-)


Bette Anne said...

So glad that you started a blog, yay! ;)

So sorry to hear what you are going through with Mikayla. She seemed to be very intelligent and articulate when we saw y'all last, so hopefully getting her some help will open even more doors for her! Is she in Public school or First Pres? We still haven't figured out what we are gonna do when Eli's ready for school... Fun stuff. Keep us updated! ;)

Ellen said...

Welcome to the blogging world!! :)

Sorry about all that you're facing with Mikayla. Through all of my education classes and information I've learned, I am VERY, VERY glad to hear that you view medication as a last resort. Far too many doctors push the meds on parents and children and I don't think it's always the answer. I will be praying for you guys as you seek help and make decisions.

Unknown said...

Let me join in welcoming you to the blogosphere! ;)
I understand how you feel about wanting your children to be perfect! The perfectionism that we require of ourselves we also require if of those around us! :) Hope things go well with the whole process of researching etc. Don't forget the valuable method of self-diagnosis and treatment of webmd... ;)
Looking forward to hearing more from the fam...

Heather C. said...

B, we put her in public school when she was in K-5. The private schools in our area start at $4000 a year and most are around $7-8000 per year; so that's not even an option. Our county's public school are second in the state only behind Atlanta in quality of education and honors, so we're comfortable with having them in the public school system, but we keep a very close eye on what goes on and what is taught. If we lived 20 miles farther North they would either be homeschooled or I would be working full time so they could go to a $7000 a year school, becasue the public schools in that county are horrendous.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you took my advice. Renee talked Heather into it and I think Heather talked me into it. I was dead against it, but once I started writing it just kind of flowed and I see it's flowing for you too. Look at all the post. I'm sorry I have been missing out.