Monday, November 19, 2007

Our not-so-exciting weekend....

You know, sometimes blogging is very boring....because our life is very boring...and there's nothing exciting to write about. But in the interest of not falling behind with my blog, here were the events of our boring weekend.

MAC - laid around the house all weekend looking pitiful, coughing, snorting and napping. As you can probably tell, he's the one still really sick. He did get up enough gumption to watch some football with me between naps and work on his youth meeting lesson which, regardless of feeling like crap, he still taught last night.

Heather - I worked on Saturday morning for about 1 hour (gotta love the flexible work schedule), then went to the mall and bought a few things at the big Belks sale including....dum dum dum....the elusize pair of khaki pants! They're not what I was dreaming of in the perfect pair, but they're a nice inbetween khaki color, they fit pretty well and they were only $20! So, that was a dream come true there! Came home and watched football the rest of the day (this is what we do during the football all day).

Matthew and Mikayla got to attend a neighbor's birthday party at Burger King on Saturday night and the folks told me to go on home and they'd bring the kids home when the party was over, which was super nice. So, all in all, a rather boring day. Sunday we had a Tgiving lunch provided by the deacons after the Sunday morning service, so I told MAC to get himself up and we were going to go to church so we could get a free lunch. I'm not joking about that! Anyway, after our free lunch we came home and took naps, then went back to church for our annual joint Tgiving service with the area Presbyterian churches and then had a late youth group meeting which MAC managed to teach despite his illness. Then we came home and went to bed. Woohoo....exciting, huh? Well, blogging can't always be about the stayed tuned....maybe something dramatic will happen today or tomorrow!


Ellen said...

You are so funny. Glad you found the khakis!! -It's nice to find a good deal, huh? Sorry Mike's STILL not feeling well. Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Note from your Dad....Post more pictures, please!

Unknown said...

You could never be accused of falling behind on blogging. I loved it though, reminds me to write more often just to let everyone know what's going on.

Heather said...

I am very impressed you are blogging so much! I guess I need to catch up after reading all of yours! I love the description of the khaki pants "in-between khaki color" but I know exactly what you mean after you say that. =) Hope MAC is feeling better now, sounds like he is being a trooper despite his illness.