Friday, November 23, 2007

The Ever-Changing Wedding Ring

Even though MAC is still sick (more on that later), I went shopping for a new wedding ring today by myself. If you know me at all, you know that when I decide it's time to do something, it's like a bee buzzing around my head and I HAVE to do it right away!! So, off to shop for rings I went! When MAC proposed he gave me a family ring that his parents had made to suit me, then on our 3rd anniversary, I got another diamond ring to replace that one. I've been telling MAC for years that for our 10th anniversary (in 2 weeks) that I wanted a new diamond ring. There are just so many choices out there it's hard to decide. Plus there's the tendency to want more than can be afforded :-) So, I brought home several ideas for MAC today (you should see the eyeroll at the prices) and hopefully tomorrow he'll feel more like braving the holiday crowds for some jewelry shopping. Guess what he wants for our anniverary? Bet you can't guess....a BandFlex. Like a Bowflex but with bands instead of bows. Hmmm.....guess who's still pretty much in shape after 10 years of marriage and who's the one who's put on 50 pounds? I told him he can work out on his BandFlex, but I want a big fat diamond so the shine from the ring will distract people from my "overweightness"! Good reason for a new right, right? I thought so!

As for MAC's ongoing sickness, his mom finally convinced him to see a doctor. After waiting 4.5 hours at the Med-Stop today he was told he has bronchitis which is 3/4 of the way to pneumonia. No wonder he felt so bad! He's on 2 antibiotics and is feeling slightly better tonight. Doc said he should feel much better within 2 days. However, hopefully he'll feel up to taking the kids to the movies tomorrow and visiting a few jewelry stores :-)


Unknown said...

You are so wrong. I hope the other Heather Joy Collins doesn't have any similar ideas. I hope Mr. Collins gets better.

Heather said...

Wow, you just gave me a GREAT idea! So glad you thought of that, I can't wait to start shopping! ;)

Heather C. said...

Sam's gonna LOVE me for getting you started on that! LOL Whenever MAC balks at the price I just keep telling him "10 years! 10 years!".

Heather said...

That's awesome! I'm going to do the same when 10 years comes around and I am going to start talking about it now, so he knows!