We've been at my parent's house since Friday and so blogging is a little slow these days. We got in late Friday night, but the kids had napped on the way here, so they were excited and running all around. Mom had set up 2 electric train sets for Matthew and he was engrossed in those for hours. Saturday, Mom and I went shopping and out to lunch, just like we used to do in the old days when I still lived at home and Mom made one of my favorite dishes for supper. Sunday we had a glorious service at church....lots of Handel's Messiah and the strings section of the Charlotte Symphony for even more fun. My grandad got to come to that service and even though this Christmas season is harder for him, due to my grandmother's death, I think he had a good time. Mom, Mikayla and I made cut-out sugar cookies in the afternoon between singing and dancing around the kitchen to Christmas songs on the radio. Then after the kids were in bed, we snuck to their rooms and ran in ringing jingle bells and banging pot lids (this was Mom's idea....and yes, even MAC joined in), scooped up the kids and ran them out to the truck in their pjs! We rode around and looked at Chistmas lights for an hour singing more Christmas songs and then the kids were about asleep by the time we got home. Then the adults sat around and ate cookies and played cards til late. Seems we've made a few new traditions this year. Next year, the kids will be expecting crazy adults to rush in ringing bells and throw them in the car!!
Today, the guys have gone golfing (in the cold...crazies!) and we will start working on the meal for tomorrow. There's a candlelight communion service at church tonight and hopefully my entier family will be there. My younger brother, Ben, and his family are lighting the final advent candle tonight, and hopefully, my youngest brother, Judah, will be able to make it. My grandad is coming to stay overnight, the first time he's done that in years and years. He and my Mimi used to spend the night with us every year on Christmas Eve. The kids are excited and we're having a blast. Hope your holidays are just as joyous! I probably won't be writing again until we get home, so hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
PS...Sam, I know you're not with family this year, but just know we're thinking of you and praying for you!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Finally the holidays are coming together....
For most of the first part of this month, it really didn't seem like Christmas. The death of my grandmother contributed, but also we were late getting our tree and decorations up and MAC got his Christmas bonus about a week late this year, so I had to wait to do our shopping until we could deposit that check. But since last weekend, things are really falling into place. I shopped Friday night and Saturday morning and knocked out our entire list....then came home and wrapped everything that same night. All my internet orders except for one arrived on time. I've had a few days this week to devote to baking for gift baskets for our neighbors, MAC and the kids had our annual Grinch Night...(where you watch Jim Carrey's Grinch in your Pjs and eat snacks) and have managed through it all to watch a new movie with MAC, do the laundry, clean the house and get ready for our trip out of town. I am so thankful at this time of year for God's blessings....the sending of His Son, the extra time He gives us with family, the financial blessings of bonuses and gifts. I encourage you to take a few minutes away from the hussle and busyness and just thank God for all of His goodness this year.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Guilt, stupidity and Christmas donations
Along with taking care of all the Xmas shopping on Saturday, I made a complete fool of myself....although no one knew it but me. There is one thing that makes me feel guilty no matter what time of year it is. People asking for donations. Sometimes they stand at doors in Santa suits ringing bells, other times they pass an offering plate. On Saturday they were on the side of the road. Have you ever been driving along minding your own business and come to an intersection and there are people standing there collecting money for some cause? Well, Saturday, it was the local fire department standing there with boots collecting money for some cause or other. I know you're asking yourself "Why in the world do these people cause such guilt?" Well, I'll tell you.....it's because I never have anything to give them!! There are people in this world who carry cash wherever they go. When they get paid, they put part in the bank and get some in cash which they carry around and use for small items, meals out, etc. I am not one of those people. I live by debit card and debit card alone! But the people collecting money for the Salvation Army, firefighters, local hospitals, etc don't take debit cards. But I feel no less guilty walking or driving by them and not having anything to give them. This is where the stupid part comes in. I exit the interstate after a day of Xmas shopping on Saturday and see that there are about 20 firefighters at the top of the ramp holding boots and collecting donations....and as usual, I have no cash or change. The light at the top of the ramp turns red. And what do I do? Instead of stopping at the top of the ramp, waving off the nice men collecting money and sitting in my car for the light to change.....I get in the right lane and make a quick turn in the opposite direction from where I needed to go! I drive down that road calling myself all kinds of idiot....do a u-turn....and try to time my approach back to that light so that it would be green. But NOOOO.....the light turns red.....and I end up having to stop right in the midst of all these firefighters and their boots. And instead of sitting there in my car and waving or just ignoring them, I have to roll down my window and explain to the guy that I'd love to donate to their cause, but have no cash. Roll up the window....and call myself all kinds of idiot again!
So, until these collectors start carrying debit card swipers....or until I change my habits of 30 years and start carrying cash....I will continue to feel guilty and will probably continue to use avoidance tactics to make myself feel better....or more stupid as this situation did!
PS: For those of you just dying to know about my new ring....here's a few details. It's 1.2 ct total weight, a round vintage setting with etching and diamonds on the band. Should be here tomorrow, then will have to be sized....so hopefully I'll have it back before Christmas.
So, until these collectors start carrying debit card swipers....or until I change my habits of 30 years and start carrying cash....I will continue to feel guilty and will probably continue to use avoidance tactics to make myself feel better....or more stupid as this situation did!
PS: For those of you just dying to know about my new ring....here's a few details. It's 1.2 ct total weight, a round vintage setting with etching and diamonds on the band. Should be here tomorrow, then will have to be sized....so hopefully I'll have it back before Christmas.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Me!
Today, Michael and I have been married 10 years! It's hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. When we got married back in 1997, we had just graduated college, I'd gotten my first car and first job, MAC had been laid off 2 weeks before our wedding and we were renting a tiny 4-room triplex for $300 a month! Now, here we are in a different state, living in our first (bought) house, with 2 cars, 2 kids and lots of jobs! But through all the changes in location, theology, family size and financial status over the years there's been one constant outside of God....and that has been Michael. He's been my rock in the midst of all the change; a spiritual leader and mentor for me, a steady personality, a loving husband and father....and he spoils me rotten :-) I really couldn't have asked for anything more. Plus, he has a great head of hair and that was on my list of "husbandly qualities" in college! So, Happy Anniversary to us and I truly hope God gives us another 10 years together.
And in light of this prestigious occasion, I have a few things to share that I've learned over our 10 years of marriage....so be prepared to be blown away by my vast wisdom (Ha!):
1. Huge, fancy weddings are overrated - I had the biggest wedding we could possibly afford....and remember hardly anything about it. The things I remember are my brother fainting as we left the church, mouthing the words to our duet because MAC forgot to memorize them, getting nothing to eat but a piece of cheese at our reception, and hugging 500 people in a receiving line, among other little tidbits. The number of people there, my dress, the decor, and the food at the reception are really distant memories and if we had it to do all over again, we'd have a small family/close friends wedding in a chapel or a beach somewhere. Maybe if we ever renew our vows, we can take the "minimalist" approach!
2. All guys are not like you've heard - some men do put the toiliet seat down, do squeeze the toothpaste the right way, do put the toilet paper on the roll correctly, don't burp, pass gas or be crude in front of anyone including family, etc....and I happened to marry one of these rare men. No one believes me when I tell them these things.
3. Husbands can spoil you just as well as your daddy - this one explains itself. With a little whining or poutiness, anything is possible! And sometimes you get spoilied just because they love you. If you're married, withholding sex to get something is never an option, though.
4. Love is not always passionate - in fact, it tends to be dull and routine 90% of the time. But there's comfort in knowing that you don't have to be beautiful, made up or in a great mood to make your marriage work; and the sex doesn't have to be mind-blowing all the time. Sometimes it's just nice to have a person to kick back on the couch and watch TV with, or discuss football, or cut your toenails.
I have more observations, but that's all I have time for today! Until next time.....
PS - I did get my new ring, bought in on Ebay this morning before MAC went to work....and I even stayed in my budget :-)
And in light of this prestigious occasion, I have a few things to share that I've learned over our 10 years of marriage....so be prepared to be blown away by my vast wisdom (Ha!):
1. Huge, fancy weddings are overrated - I had the biggest wedding we could possibly afford....and remember hardly anything about it. The things I remember are my brother fainting as we left the church, mouthing the words to our duet because MAC forgot to memorize them, getting nothing to eat but a piece of cheese at our reception, and hugging 500 people in a receiving line, among other little tidbits. The number of people there, my dress, the decor, and the food at the reception are really distant memories and if we had it to do all over again, we'd have a small family/close friends wedding in a chapel or a beach somewhere. Maybe if we ever renew our vows, we can take the "minimalist" approach!
2. All guys are not like you've heard - some men do put the toiliet seat down, do squeeze the toothpaste the right way, do put the toilet paper on the roll correctly, don't burp, pass gas or be crude in front of anyone including family, etc....and I happened to marry one of these rare men. No one believes me when I tell them these things.
3. Husbands can spoil you just as well as your daddy - this one explains itself. With a little whining or poutiness, anything is possible! And sometimes you get spoilied just because they love you. If you're married, withholding sex to get something is never an option, though.
4. Love is not always passionate - in fact, it tends to be dull and routine 90% of the time. But there's comfort in knowing that you don't have to be beautiful, made up or in a great mood to make your marriage work; and the sex doesn't have to be mind-blowing all the time. Sometimes it's just nice to have a person to kick back on the couch and watch TV with, or discuss football, or cut your toenails.
I have more observations, but that's all I have time for today! Until next time.....
PS - I did get my new ring, bought in on Ebay this morning before MAC went to work....and I even stayed in my budget :-)
Monday, December 10, 2007
A "Xmas" Revelation
This is my second post today.....but just had to share a revelation I had over the weekend. I was always raised with the viewpoint that to write or type "Xmas" was disrespectful to Christ and meant that you were taking the "Christ" out of Christmas. All of my life, I have felt guilty any time I used that shortcut in writing, emailing, etc. It suddenly occurred to me on Friday, while feeling that guilty twinge once again, that "X" is the Greek letter chi which in NT times, stood for "Christ". Even Wikipedia lists a usage of X (Greek) as the "X" in Xmas. Therefore, those of us who use Xmas aren't trying to leave Christ out of Christmas, it's just an easier form of writing or typing the word. I refuse to feel guilty for doing it anymore!
MAC informed me that he's told me this for the past 6 years. Guess that goes to show how well I'm listening, hmmm?
MAC informed me that he's told me this for the past 6 years. Guess that goes to show how well I'm listening, hmmm?
The Teenage Spirit
Well, we finally got our holiday decorations up over the weekend (the boxes are still cluttering up the living room, though), so that's one big thing checked off my to-do list. MAC gets his Xmas bonus tomorrow, which means this weekend is shopping time! The older I get the more I dislike holiday shopping. The crowds are annoying, the stores aren't stocked all that well and I get tired much faster than I used to! But I will persevere so our family gets a gift and the kids are excited on Xmas morning.
Our round of parties started last night with the senior high youth group party at a local coffee house. You know, even though our bodies are aging rapidly (who know those lines/wrinkles around your eyes could just pop up overnight!?!), our spirits are still young and we had a far better time last night with 70 teenagers in a crowded public venue than we ever do at an adult Xmas party held in someone's fancy home. I hope that we can continue to be "young at heart" even as we get older and older; and working with teens on a consistent basis really helps in that regard.
And in closing, here are a few things I learned this weekend:
1. Swim meets (at least in our area) are not for those of us who get hot easily. The local pool used for our teen's swim meets is enclosed in a huge "bubble", lighted inside with hot lamps. The smell is awful (think 100 wet teens and their clothing/shoes), everything is damp and there are parents everywhere. Mikayla and Matthew were not impressed and since it's been in the 80s for the past few days here in GA, you couldn't even escape the heat by going outside. The next swim meet we go to will be in an aquatics center!
2. Blockbuster employees are not always the most trained at their jobs. Case in point - I go on Saturday night to rent a movie and the guy pulled a copy of the new POTC movie out of the return box. I'm so excited to get one because they're always sold out, and the guy is all talking about how he found me one, etc, etc. I get home with 2 movies (POTC 3 and Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale) intending to have a nice movie night since MAC was working on a computer and doing some seminary reading. I finish POTC and go to pop in Christian Bale....and the stupid guy at Blockbuster hadn't taken the security "thing" out of the movie because he was so busy apologizing because he was slow, telling me how he found me the POTC movie, etc. I tried to pry it out and ended up breaking it off inside the movie case. Needless to say, very annoying. MAC took it back last night after our party and another guy just swapped it out for him and when asked if we could have it for an extra day (it was due back by noon today) just said "Oh, man, yeah, man, we'll take care of it for you". What does that mean? He didn't recheck it out or anything! I just know next time I go in there to rent something there's going to be a late charge on our account!
3. Christmas songs get VERY old. Do you have radio stations that play Christmas songs 24/7? Well, several of my pre-set stations in the car do. How many times can you hear "Winter Wonderland" before it gets old? Doesn't matter if it's by 10 different people! I enjoy Christmas music as much as the next person, but there's a limit to what we can endure :-)
So, there are some things I learned this weekend. Maybe you've come across the same things! LOL
Our round of parties started last night with the senior high youth group party at a local coffee house. You know, even though our bodies are aging rapidly (who know those lines/wrinkles around your eyes could just pop up overnight!?!), our spirits are still young and we had a far better time last night with 70 teenagers in a crowded public venue than we ever do at an adult Xmas party held in someone's fancy home. I hope that we can continue to be "young at heart" even as we get older and older; and working with teens on a consistent basis really helps in that regard.
And in closing, here are a few things I learned this weekend:
1. Swim meets (at least in our area) are not for those of us who get hot easily. The local pool used for our teen's swim meets is enclosed in a huge "bubble", lighted inside with hot lamps. The smell is awful (think 100 wet teens and their clothing/shoes), everything is damp and there are parents everywhere. Mikayla and Matthew were not impressed and since it's been in the 80s for the past few days here in GA, you couldn't even escape the heat by going outside. The next swim meet we go to will be in an aquatics center!
2. Blockbuster employees are not always the most trained at their jobs. Case in point - I go on Saturday night to rent a movie and the guy pulled a copy of the new POTC movie out of the return box. I'm so excited to get one because they're always sold out, and the guy is all talking about how he found me one, etc, etc. I get home with 2 movies (POTC 3 and Rescue Dawn with Christian Bale) intending to have a nice movie night since MAC was working on a computer and doing some seminary reading. I finish POTC and go to pop in Christian Bale....and the stupid guy at Blockbuster hadn't taken the security "thing" out of the movie because he was so busy apologizing because he was slow, telling me how he found me the POTC movie, etc. I tried to pry it out and ended up breaking it off inside the movie case. Needless to say, very annoying. MAC took it back last night after our party and another guy just swapped it out for him and when asked if we could have it for an extra day (it was due back by noon today) just said "Oh, man, yeah, man, we'll take care of it for you". What does that mean? He didn't recheck it out or anything! I just know next time I go in there to rent something there's going to be a late charge on our account!
3. Christmas songs get VERY old. Do you have radio stations that play Christmas songs 24/7? Well, several of my pre-set stations in the car do. How many times can you hear "Winter Wonderland" before it gets old? Doesn't matter if it's by 10 different people! I enjoy Christmas music as much as the next person, but there's a limit to what we can endure :-)
So, there are some things I learned this weekend. Maybe you've come across the same things! LOL
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holidays?? What Holidays?
Because of all the abnormal things that have been happening since we had to cancel our trip to TN for Tgiving, it seems like the days are flying by and I'm getting nothing done! We've barely thought about getting the tree and decorations up, I haven't bought the first Christmas gift and here it is almost a while week of December already past. This means we must get our normally procrastinating butts in gear and at least get the tree up this weekend.....and we'll enjoy it for all of 2 weeks before we leave for my parents for Christmas and then take it down on New Years! Gotta love the holidays! Actually, I do love the holidays...even if they are hectic.
In other family news, MAC is still sick. Went to a new doctor on Tuesday morning and they gave him all sorts of breathing treatments, tests, x-rays, and 2 more prescriptions. It seems to be helping, but very slowly. At least he feels better, even if his chest is still full of gunk. He goes back on Monday to discuss the X-rays with the doctor.
The kids have 2 more weeks of school before Christmas holidays, which will fly by. They're having fun making Christmas crafts and doing activities. School always seems to be more fun right before big breaks!
So, our lives are returning to normal...or as normal as lives can be during the busy days of December. Hope y'all are getting your holiday things done faster than we are!
In other family news, MAC is still sick. Went to a new doctor on Tuesday morning and they gave him all sorts of breathing treatments, tests, x-rays, and 2 more prescriptions. It seems to be helping, but very slowly. At least he feels better, even if his chest is still full of gunk. He goes back on Monday to discuss the X-rays with the doctor.
The kids have 2 more weeks of school before Christmas holidays, which will fly by. They're having fun making Christmas crafts and doing activities. School always seems to be more fun right before big breaks!
So, our lives are returning to normal...or as normal as lives can be during the busy days of December. Hope y'all are getting your holiday things done faster than we are!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
In Memory of my Mimi

This past week has been one of the more difficult weeks of my life. Mimi finally went to be with the Lord about 4am last Friday morning. She was 84 years and 2 weeks old and had battled Parkinsons disease for about 10 years. After traveling back to GA with the family, making funeral arrangements, attending the viewing with 2 kids in tow and then singing at the funeral (Mimi's request and not an easy one to carry out) I was physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. My Pop (dad's father) died 2 years ago in August and the scenario was the same. A prolonged illness with a rapid decline. There's almost a relief at the death....no more nightly vigils, no more wondering when it will happen, no more worrying about whether they're in pain and can't communicate it. Then after the arrangements are made, there's a viewing. Whenever I've seen a viewing on TV or something like that, they're always sombor affairs, where people file in slowly and exchange quiet condolences with the family. Viewings are not like that in my family. There are always kids running around, laughing, joking, remembering, catching up....it's almost like a reunion, of sorts. And since almost everyone in my immediate family is a Christian, there's really no reason for viewings or funerals to be somber!
When I looked at Mimi in that coffin, all made up and looking asleep, I almost felt empty inside. Maybe empty isn't a good word.....there was just no emotion for the person in the coffin. That body was a shell, and to me, it looked like that. My Mimi wasn't in that coffin. She was never cold or stiff or lifeless in all the years I knew her. My Mimi was alive and fun, she enjoyed family get togethers and meals, she loved to dance and sing and play the piano or organ, she complained about her weight, she hated black and loved pink, she made me tuna fish sandwiches, she argued with my Pap-Pap about cooking, and she loved God and missions and helping others. It's been quite a while since she's been able to do a whole lot....first it was her coordination that went, then her ability to control her legs and the rest of her body, then her appetite. She went from a walker to a wheelchair to a gerry chair to a bed....from a healthy woman who loved to eat to a frail, withered woman we could barely recognize. But, when she was "all there", she still loved to talk and sing, she was a witness for Jesus from her bed in the nursing home, and she planned her funeral and was ready to go home to be with her Lord. So yes, her passing was sad for all of us and her funeral was difficult and I cried a good bit....but just think.....she's in heaven now and she can walk and talk and sing and dance and she's with the Lord she loves! And that's the Mimi I will always remember.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A Time for Sadness
Life has taken a very unexpected turn this week. On Monday night, we got a call that my grandmother had taken a severe turn for the worst and was basically non-responsive. On Tuesday morning we were told by Hospice that her body was basically shutting down and she would probaby not last 2 days. So, after scrambling around to get a week's worth of work done in 1 hour, and throwing clothes in a bag, we picked Mikayla up from school and headed straight to SC.
My grandmother has had Parkinsons for almost 10 years now and has had ups and downs over the years, so this is really no surprise. But that doesn't make these final days any easier. Even though it's not a great time in our lives, God is still continually reminding me of the blessings he's given me. I'm so grateful for memories.....laying in bed I can remember every detail of Mimi's house, times when I'd spend the night, shelling peas and eating popcorn while watching the Atlanta Braves, shopping trips with Mimi and Mom, holidays together....a woman alive and active and full of life and love. These are the ways I want to remember her; not laying in a nursing home withered and dying. The hardest part but the greatest part of these days is remembering her life and the times I've had with her for over 31 years. And it's so sweet to watch people file through and talk to her, cry and basically share this time of grief with us....her husband of 65+ years, my Mom the only child, the grandchildren, church friends, relatives, Hospice staff and the nursing home staff who call as often as family to check on her and tell her they love her. God has surrounded my Mimi with love in her final days....just like she surrounded us all with love and life for over 85 years.
So, yes we're sad....but we know that Mimi has walked with God for almost all of her life and she's been ready to go for quite some time now. And it's such a comfort to know that "absent from the body is present with the Lord". Thank God for the comfort of Scripture! There is a time for sadness, but there will also be "joy in the morning".
My grandmother has had Parkinsons for almost 10 years now and has had ups and downs over the years, so this is really no surprise. But that doesn't make these final days any easier. Even though it's not a great time in our lives, God is still continually reminding me of the blessings he's given me. I'm so grateful for memories.....laying in bed I can remember every detail of Mimi's house, times when I'd spend the night, shelling peas and eating popcorn while watching the Atlanta Braves, shopping trips with Mimi and Mom, holidays together....a woman alive and active and full of life and love. These are the ways I want to remember her; not laying in a nursing home withered and dying. The hardest part but the greatest part of these days is remembering her life and the times I've had with her for over 31 years. And it's so sweet to watch people file through and talk to her, cry and basically share this time of grief with us....her husband of 65+ years, my Mom the only child, the grandchildren, church friends, relatives, Hospice staff and the nursing home staff who call as often as family to check on her and tell her they love her. God has surrounded my Mimi with love in her final days....just like she surrounded us all with love and life for over 85 years.
So, yes we're sad....but we know that Mimi has walked with God for almost all of her life and she's been ready to go for quite some time now. And it's such a comfort to know that "absent from the body is present with the Lord". Thank God for the comfort of Scripture! There is a time for sadness, but there will also be "joy in the morning".
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thank God for the Little Things
You know, part of the fun of being a Christian is the way you can be going along in your normal, everyday life and God just throws little blessings or bits of fun your way. I know being in ministry is hard and a lot of the time it's very taxing to be really involved in a church, or even a community endeavor, club, etc. But sometimes, God just gives you little things that make it so rewarding....and not even spiritual blessings or answers to prayer, but fun stuff you'd never think you'd get to do otherwise.
One little thing I'm thanking God for is the rain. You might not know, but GA has been in a severe drought for months. To the point where they don't want you watering your lawn or washing your car at all. But starting on Thanksgiving day we have had rain every day and today it's just been coming down constantly. Now, I'm not a huge fan of rain over a long period of time because I find it depressing, especially when it's cool outside at the same time. But I'm so thankful for these few days of rain God has sent our way that it's not that big a deal to have to dress warmly, get my car dirty every time I drive it, and end up with rain droplets on me everywhere we go! This rain will, by no means, end our drought....but you know, at least it's not 3 years without rain like with Elijah in the Old Testament!
Then we thought since we had to cancel our Thanksgiving this year due to MAC's sickness, it'd be kind of boring. Well, thank God for family because we had a very nice Thanksgiving day with the in-laws, then yesterday afternoon we had an impromptu lunch with the entire family here, and we had some free time to take our 2 kids to see "Bee Movie". It's so nice to just be able to relax and spend some down time with family instead of worrying about gas prices during traveling, going back to work more exhausted than when we left, etc. So, thank God for family!
And finally, thank God for those "extras." This is where God just throws fun things your way! We were sleeping in on Saturday and the phone rang at 9am. I let it go and tried to go back to sleep but it kept bugging me, so I finally got up and checked messages. Turns out one of our church teenager's family had 6 extra tickets to the UGA/Ga Tech game that afternoon!! They offered them to us for free, so we hopped in the shower, dressed warmly (turns out not warmly enough) and took off for Atlanta. I haven't been to a UGA game in 5 years and to be able to go to this game where MAC cheers for one team and I cheer for the other is second only behind my dream to go to the UGA/Florida game in Jacksonville some year! So, for the cost of parking and 2 meals, we got to see an awesome game on a cool fall day and all because, I believe, God just likes to bless us every now and then with things that make us happy!
So, keep your eyes open! Maybe God will be sending a special and fun blessing your way today :-)
One little thing I'm thanking God for is the rain. You might not know, but GA has been in a severe drought for months. To the point where they don't want you watering your lawn or washing your car at all. But starting on Thanksgiving day we have had rain every day and today it's just been coming down constantly. Now, I'm not a huge fan of rain over a long period of time because I find it depressing, especially when it's cool outside at the same time. But I'm so thankful for these few days of rain God has sent our way that it's not that big a deal to have to dress warmly, get my car dirty every time I drive it, and end up with rain droplets on me everywhere we go! This rain will, by no means, end our drought....but you know, at least it's not 3 years without rain like with Elijah in the Old Testament!
Then we thought since we had to cancel our Thanksgiving this year due to MAC's sickness, it'd be kind of boring. Well, thank God for family because we had a very nice Thanksgiving day with the in-laws, then yesterday afternoon we had an impromptu lunch with the entire family here, and we had some free time to take our 2 kids to see "Bee Movie". It's so nice to just be able to relax and spend some down time with family instead of worrying about gas prices during traveling, going back to work more exhausted than when we left, etc. So, thank God for family!
And finally, thank God for those "extras." This is where God just throws fun things your way! We were sleeping in on Saturday and the phone rang at 9am. I let it go and tried to go back to sleep but it kept bugging me, so I finally got up and checked messages. Turns out one of our church teenager's family had 6 extra tickets to the UGA/Ga Tech game that afternoon!! They offered them to us for free, so we hopped in the shower, dressed warmly (turns out not warmly enough) and took off for Atlanta. I haven't been to a UGA game in 5 years and to be able to go to this game where MAC cheers for one team and I cheer for the other is second only behind my dream to go to the UGA/Florida game in Jacksonville some year! So, for the cost of parking and 2 meals, we got to see an awesome game on a cool fall day and all because, I believe, God just likes to bless us every now and then with things that make us happy!
So, keep your eyes open! Maybe God will be sending a special and fun blessing your way today :-)
Friday, November 23, 2007
The Ever-Changing Wedding Ring
Even though MAC is still sick (more on that later), I went shopping for a new wedding ring today by myself. If you know me at all, you know that when I decide it's time to do something, it's like a bee buzzing around my head and I HAVE to do it right away!! So, off to shop for rings I went! When MAC proposed he gave me a family ring that his parents had made to suit me, then on our 3rd anniversary, I got another diamond ring to replace that one. I've been telling MAC for years that for our 10th anniversary (in 2 weeks) that I wanted a new diamond ring. There are just so many choices out there it's hard to decide. Plus there's the tendency to want more than can be afforded :-) So, I brought home several ideas for MAC today (you should see the eyeroll at the prices) and hopefully tomorrow he'll feel more like braving the holiday crowds for some jewelry shopping. Guess what he wants for our anniverary? Bet you can't guess....a BandFlex. Like a Bowflex but with bands instead of bows. Hmmm.....guess who's still pretty much in shape after 10 years of marriage and who's the one who's put on 50 pounds? I told him he can work out on his BandFlex, but I want a big fat diamond so the shine from the ring will distract people from my "overweightness"! Good reason for a new right, right? I thought so!
As for MAC's ongoing sickness, his mom finally convinced him to see a doctor. After waiting 4.5 hours at the Med-Stop today he was told he has bronchitis which is 3/4 of the way to pneumonia. No wonder he felt so bad! He's on 2 antibiotics and is feeling slightly better tonight. Doc said he should feel much better within 2 days. However, hopefully he'll feel up to taking the kids to the movies tomorrow and visiting a few jewelry stores :-)
As for MAC's ongoing sickness, his mom finally convinced him to see a doctor. After waiting 4.5 hours at the Med-Stop today he was told he has bronchitis which is 3/4 of the way to pneumonia. No wonder he felt so bad! He's on 2 antibiotics and is feeling slightly better tonight. Doc said he should feel much better within 2 days. However, hopefully he'll feel up to taking the kids to the movies tomorrow and visiting a few jewelry stores :-)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Just wanted to wish all my blog readers a Happy Thanksgiving!
We ate at Michael's parent's house, just with them, which is a big change from our usual habits of traveling 7 hours of TN or spending the holiday with my parents. It was a nice, quiet meal and we stayed most the the rest of the day and just talked which is so rare with our busy schedules. All in all, a very relaxing day. Plus, I have to say, when MAC first said we'd be staying home I was intimidated by having to come up with an entire Tgiving meal on my own.....but since his parents didn't travel either all I had to make was my Mom's delicious squash casserole, my awesome mashed potatoes (also inherited from Mom) and an Edward's Lemon Meringue pie from the freezer at Winn Dixie! I'll take that easy holiday meal any day!
MAC is still very ill and will be visiting the doctor tomorrow (a very last resort for him). His mom, a nurse, thinks he has bronchitis so he might be looking at taking some antibiotics. I'll just be glad when he's over this stuff....for all our sakes :-)
Sam, if you read this entry, we thought of you today out in the desert. Hope you got some decent food and maybe got to talk to your wife. We miss our adopted son!
We ate at Michael's parent's house, just with them, which is a big change from our usual habits of traveling 7 hours of TN or spending the holiday with my parents. It was a nice, quiet meal and we stayed most the the rest of the day and just talked which is so rare with our busy schedules. All in all, a very relaxing day. Plus, I have to say, when MAC first said we'd be staying home I was intimidated by having to come up with an entire Tgiving meal on my own.....but since his parents didn't travel either all I had to make was my Mom's delicious squash casserole, my awesome mashed potatoes (also inherited from Mom) and an Edward's Lemon Meringue pie from the freezer at Winn Dixie! I'll take that easy holiday meal any day!
MAC is still very ill and will be visiting the doctor tomorrow (a very last resort for him). His mom, a nurse, thinks he has bronchitis so he might be looking at taking some antibiotics. I'll just be glad when he's over this stuff....for all our sakes :-)
Sam, if you read this entry, we thought of you today out in the desert. Hope you got some decent food and maybe got to talk to your wife. We miss our adopted son!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Our not-so-exciting weekend....
You know, sometimes blogging is very boring....because our life is very boring...and there's nothing exciting to write about. But in the interest of not falling behind with my blog, here were the events of our boring weekend.
MAC - laid around the house all weekend looking pitiful, coughing, snorting and napping. As you can probably tell, he's the one still really sick. He did get up enough gumption to watch some football with me between naps and work on his youth meeting lesson which, regardless of feeling like crap, he still taught last night.
Heather - I worked on Saturday morning for about 1 hour (gotta love the flexible work schedule), then went to the mall and bought a few things at the big Belks sale including....dum dum dum....the elusize pair of khaki pants! They're not what I was dreaming of in the perfect pair, but they're a nice inbetween khaki color, they fit pretty well and they were only $20! So, that was a dream come true there! Came home and watched football the rest of the day (this is what we do during the fall....watch football all day).
Matthew and Mikayla got to attend a neighbor's birthday party at Burger King on Saturday night and the folks told me to go on home and they'd bring the kids home when the party was over, which was super nice. So, all in all, a rather boring day. Sunday we had a Tgiving lunch provided by the deacons after the Sunday morning service, so I told MAC to get himself up and we were going to go to church so we could get a free lunch. I'm not joking about that! Anyway, after our free lunch we came home and took naps, then went back to church for our annual joint Tgiving service with the area Presbyterian churches and then had a late youth group meeting which MAC managed to teach despite his illness. Then we came home and went to bed. Woohoo....exciting, huh? Well, blogging can't always be about the excitement....so stayed tuned....maybe something dramatic will happen today or tomorrow!
MAC - laid around the house all weekend looking pitiful, coughing, snorting and napping. As you can probably tell, he's the one still really sick. He did get up enough gumption to watch some football with me between naps and work on his youth meeting lesson which, regardless of feeling like crap, he still taught last night.
Heather - I worked on Saturday morning for about 1 hour (gotta love the flexible work schedule), then went to the mall and bought a few things at the big Belks sale including....dum dum dum....the elusize pair of khaki pants! They're not what I was dreaming of in the perfect pair, but they're a nice inbetween khaki color, they fit pretty well and they were only $20! So, that was a dream come true there! Came home and watched football the rest of the day (this is what we do during the fall....watch football all day).
Matthew and Mikayla got to attend a neighbor's birthday party at Burger King on Saturday night and the folks told me to go on home and they'd bring the kids home when the party was over, which was super nice. So, all in all, a rather boring day. Sunday we had a Tgiving lunch provided by the deacons after the Sunday morning service, so I told MAC to get himself up and we were going to go to church so we could get a free lunch. I'm not joking about that! Anyway, after our free lunch we came home and took naps, then went back to church for our annual joint Tgiving service with the area Presbyterian churches and then had a late youth group meeting which MAC managed to teach despite his illness. Then we came home and went to bed. Woohoo....exciting, huh? Well, blogging can't always be about the excitement....so stayed tuned....maybe something dramatic will happen today or tomorrow!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!!!
This week has just been awesome....and I say that sarcastically. I've been fighting off a cold for over a week and just when you think it's going to go away...BAM....it comes back with a vengeance. And good ole' MAC, who was on the verge of getting the same thing went to an outdoor bonfire for the teens and woke up the next morning with a trip to FL planned for work and feeling like crap. So we have coughed, moaned, sneezed and generally just sludged through this week. Sounds like fun, right? Well, don't feel obligated to tell us you hope we feel better cause it looks like things are looking up....but with kids in the house who wants to bet they'll come down the same thing next weekend while they're on Tgiving break? LOL
In other news, Mikayla had her first big "work at home" graded project this week. She had to do a poster on Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice. Just let me say, it was one of the hardest things I've done recently to just sit back and let her do her poster her way. She pulled an article off Wikipedia herself, read it and underlined what she wanted to use on her poster and basically all I did was print off the pictures for her and help her organize the project into what to do first, second, third, etc. However, when it came time for her to actually put the poster together, I had to get up and literally walk away to keep myself from taking over. I mean, I want her to get a 100 and want it to look perfect and if we could help it would have been AWESOME! LOL But, it's her project and her grade, so I bit my tongue, stepped away and let her do her thing. And honestly, it didn't turn out too bad, although it definitely looked like a 3rd grader did it on her first attempt. But she was proud of it and the teacher said we helped her just the right amount. So, hopefully, she'll get a decent grade for it. But this whole thing does not bode well for future large projects that she brings home to work on. Maybe MAC will be doing more work on helping with homework in the future, unless I can get my "perfectionist" gene under control!
In other news, Mikayla had her first big "work at home" graded project this week. She had to do a poster on Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice. Just let me say, it was one of the hardest things I've done recently to just sit back and let her do her poster her way. She pulled an article off Wikipedia herself, read it and underlined what she wanted to use on her poster and basically all I did was print off the pictures for her and help her organize the project into what to do first, second, third, etc. However, when it came time for her to actually put the poster together, I had to get up and literally walk away to keep myself from taking over. I mean, I want her to get a 100 and want it to look perfect and if we could help it would have been AWESOME! LOL But, it's her project and her grade, so I bit my tongue, stepped away and let her do her thing. And honestly, it didn't turn out too bad, although it definitely looked like a 3rd grader did it on her first attempt. But she was proud of it and the teacher said we helped her just the right amount. So, hopefully, she'll get a decent grade for it. But this whole thing does not bode well for future large projects that she brings home to work on. Maybe MAC will be doing more work on helping with homework in the future, unless I can get my "perfectionist" gene under control!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Michael's going back to school :-)
That title is a big statement, even though it seems simple. MAC has been planning to go to seminary for 10 years. When we first got married, we requested packets of info and applications from several seminaries - both Baptist and Reformed. When he felt that his beliefs about Scripture were leading him to a Reformed seminary, we hit some roadblocks. For one, most of the Reformed schools require a session or elder recommendation and as much as we loved Dr. Surrett and respected his ministry at Emmanuel in Kings Mountain, we doubted highly that he would give MAC a recommendation to go to a Calvinistic seminary! So he put the seminary plans on hold and we worked with youth in NC for 5 years. Then when we moved to GA and broke ties with our "Baptist heritage" the subject of seminary came up again; but he had told his father that he'd work for him for 5 years in the family business. And working 40 hours a week and traveling all over the middle GA area servicing computers is not conducive to working on master's level courses. So, again, we felt God saying "Wait!" And so he did everything he could in the meantime to prepare. He came under care of the session at our church 3 years ago and began working closely with a ruling elder in the church in order to be better prepared for seminary when the time came. Another obstacle was that we wanted to put him through seminary without acquiring student loans...basically this meant saving up for classes ahead of time and if you know us, we are definitely not savers! Finally, Matthew was old enough for school and I was able to go back to work very part time, but enough for us to have some extra money for classes. After having to write an extensive paper to prove that his education received at Ambassador was good enough to get him into seminary (gotta love unaccredited colleges!), he was finally accepted into seminary last September for enrollment in the winter quarter beginning in January. So, we were all excited and he was choosing a class to take.....and then our house developed a crack running the entire length of the foundation. $12000 later, our house was repaired, but there was no money left for seminary. This was very discouraging; but what can you do when God shuts the door yet again? This summer I approached my boss about working on Saturday mornings so we would have more money to set aside for seminary and thankfully, the Lord has blessed enough for us to once again put money into savings. And, praise the Lord, MAC enrolled in his first seminary class last week and the books for the course are already on their way. He hopes to get a big headstart on the reading required for the course which starts January 4th. He'll be driving to Atlanta and going to classes at Reformed Theological Seminary on Friday and all day Saturday for several weekends. Then he'll have a set period of time after the classes are over to finish the course work and turn it in.
This is a big step for our family in many ways. Not only is it extremely expensive financially, but it means having to balance our family life and other activities even more, so that he has time to study but still has family, youth work, and fun time. I know that we'll have to fight for our family time, which we've always tried to make a priority; and MAC will be cutting back on his youth work and teaching schedule at church in order to accommodate his studying. And luxuries like golf and outings will be cut back due to budgeting (at least riding a motorcycle isn't too expensive!); but we believe that this is what God wants us to be doing and are so happy that after 10 years of dreaming he's finally on his way to earning a master's degree - even if it is one class at a time.
But at this rate, that doctorate he wants to get? That'll be when we're grandparents :-) So, pray for us and all the changes that are ahead. I'm thankful to the Lord for the timing of all this, even though it seems so slow by our standards. I'm glad for the 10 years of marriage we've had to strengthen our home, our marriage and our family before we go through these coming years....cause I know they'll be tough!
This is a big step for our family in many ways. Not only is it extremely expensive financially, but it means having to balance our family life and other activities even more, so that he has time to study but still has family, youth work, and fun time. I know that we'll have to fight for our family time, which we've always tried to make a priority; and MAC will be cutting back on his youth work and teaching schedule at church in order to accommodate his studying. And luxuries like golf and outings will be cut back due to budgeting (at least riding a motorcycle isn't too expensive!); but we believe that this is what God wants us to be doing and are so happy that after 10 years of dreaming he's finally on his way to earning a master's degree - even if it is one class at a time.
But at this rate, that doctorate he wants to get? That'll be when we're grandparents :-) So, pray for us and all the changes that are ahead. I'm thankful to the Lord for the timing of all this, even though it seems so slow by our standards. I'm glad for the 10 years of marriage we've had to strengthen our home, our marriage and our family before we go through these coming years....cause I know they'll be tough!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Year of the Concert
Today, I had a friend call to inform me that Keith Urban will be making a stop in GA next year on a combined tour with Carrie Underwood. Now, I am not a fan of country music.....but I'd sit in the rain in December to watch Keith Urban play! This got me thinking that this has really been "the year of the concert" for the Collins family.
Most of you know that we adore music, of almost any type except rap, and it plays pretty much constantly in our vehicles, offices and lots of times at home too. Mikayla has a clock radio and goes to sleep with it on every night. I can probably remember only 3-4 times in the entire past year that I have been driving and turned the radio off completely. We do enjoy our music :-) And as it turns out, we have enjoyed lots of concerts this year, too. There's just something different about hearing a group live! Feeling the music inside your body is something that just can't be explained; and with subwoofers the size of my car from floor to ceiling, you can ALWAYS feel the music.
We saw My Chemical Romance in April, which was - by far - one of the most entertaining and energetic things I've been to in my entire life. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would go back in a heartbeat if they came anywhere near GA. Took Mikayla to see Keith Urban in Atlanta back in June since that's her favorite artist. What a great show and the artist is hot, too! I think Mikayla was completely overwhelmed by the sounds, sights, etc....but she said she had a great time. Michael went to Projkt Revolution in August, an outdoor concert where it was 105 in the shade. I missed that one due to the kids starting school the day before. He loved the entire experience (an all day rock concert...one band after another) and is now a big Linkin Park fan. I wouldn't consider it a "concert", per se, but we saw the Phantom of the Opera in Birmingham a few weekends ago....another gotta see it live type experience. This was our third or fourth time for that, and we'll continue to see it every few years until they are no longer running. One of the best soundtracks and romances of all time. Then last weekend we went to a triple billing, Plain White Ts, Gymclass Heroes, and Fall Out Boy. All completely different, but all great experiences. We hope to continue this trend in years to come. After all, Metallica is touring next year.....and we missed the Alice in Chains/Velvet Revolver tour this year. I plan to see Slash play live before I die!
So, if you ever get a chance, pony up the $40 on ticketmaster and go to a live concert! You'll never view music in the same way and there's nothing like jumping up and down, with your hands in the air and screaming lyrics at the top of your lungs with 30,000 other people! Better than singing in the shower any day :-)
Most of you know that we adore music, of almost any type except rap, and it plays pretty much constantly in our vehicles, offices and lots of times at home too. Mikayla has a clock radio and goes to sleep with it on every night. I can probably remember only 3-4 times in the entire past year that I have been driving and turned the radio off completely. We do enjoy our music :-) And as it turns out, we have enjoyed lots of concerts this year, too. There's just something different about hearing a group live! Feeling the music inside your body is something that just can't be explained; and with subwoofers the size of my car from floor to ceiling, you can ALWAYS feel the music.
We saw My Chemical Romance in April, which was - by far - one of the most entertaining and energetic things I've been to in my entire life. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would go back in a heartbeat if they came anywhere near GA. Took Mikayla to see Keith Urban in Atlanta back in June since that's her favorite artist. What a great show and the artist is hot, too! I think Mikayla was completely overwhelmed by the sounds, sights, etc....but she said she had a great time. Michael went to Projkt Revolution in August, an outdoor concert where it was 105 in the shade. I missed that one due to the kids starting school the day before. He loved the entire experience (an all day rock concert...one band after another) and is now a big Linkin Park fan. I wouldn't consider it a "concert", per se, but we saw the Phantom of the Opera in Birmingham a few weekends ago....another gotta see it live type experience. This was our third or fourth time for that, and we'll continue to see it every few years until they are no longer running. One of the best soundtracks and romances of all time. Then last weekend we went to a triple billing, Plain White Ts, Gymclass Heroes, and Fall Out Boy. All completely different, but all great experiences. We hope to continue this trend in years to come. After all, Metallica is touring next year.....and we missed the Alice in Chains/Velvet Revolver tour this year. I plan to see Slash play live before I die!
So, if you ever get a chance, pony up the $40 on ticketmaster and go to a live concert! You'll never view music in the same way and there's nothing like jumping up and down, with your hands in the air and screaming lyrics at the top of your lungs with 30,000 other people! Better than singing in the shower any day :-)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Unlucky Search for Pants
First, I want to say "Thanks" to everyone for their comments on Mikayla and her possible ADD diagnosis. We're just going to encourage her as much as possible between now and her appointment in January to pay attention and focus...also doing research in the interim period to evaluate all options of treatment. If she does have ADD, I believe it's borderline. Anyway, I'll keep everybody posted on her progress over the coming months.
Well, this entry in my blog is aptly titled after one of my peeves with the retail industry. I have been looking for a pair of khaki pants....you know, just plain cotton pants in a light brown color....for about 2 months. I have several sweaters and outfits in my closet just begging to be worn, but no pants to match them! I have ordered khaki pants from every online retailer that I trust (most of our shopping is done online these days) and have spent a good bit of money sending them back because they don't fit. Now, if you know me, and most of you do, I am not the smallest woman in America and freely admit this. Everyone has their sizing issues, and mine consist of a larger than average rear end and huge thighs. Most retailers do not make pants to accomodate these things very easily! After trying all my online options, I decided to just look in the stores as I have time and see if they have anything that would work. I visited the GAP last weekend in my unlucky search for pants. Now, the GAP is historically known for selling nice quality basics....and above all jeans and chinos (khaki pants). Well, this is not the GAP of old. They had 3 pairs of khaki pants in the entire store, and all of them were the wide leg variety. Now, I have nothing against wide leg pants and own several pairs; however, when you're a larger woman and you have to get a large size (say a 14!), the said "wide legs" on these pants are wide enough for 4 people's legs to fit comfortably! The leg opening at the bottom engulfs your entire shoe! So, the GAP no longer specializes in khaki pants....although they had about 20 different styles and varieties of black pants. Hmmm.... Anyway, I do recommend their jeans if you happen to have my body type. They're some of the best fitting, if more expensive, jeans for us bigger bottomed women.
So, my search for khaki pants continues at Old Navy this weekend. Again, a pet peeve. They had 1-2 pairs of khaki pants in their entire store....and these were the "lowest rise" variety. Meaning that when you bend over, sit down, or make the tiniest movement they drift down your buttocks and show your rear end. This is not a pretty site....and these pants are usually the cause of the dreaded "muffin top" which can make ever the smallest girl look overweight. So, yet again, a strike out.
My quest for a pair of khaki pants that fits continues.....stay posted for further developments! LOL Actually, this seems really frivolous compared to my previous post; but you can't be serious all the time and I am really determined to find a pair of khaki pants :-)
Until next time.....
Well, this entry in my blog is aptly titled after one of my peeves with the retail industry. I have been looking for a pair of khaki pants....you know, just plain cotton pants in a light brown color....for about 2 months. I have several sweaters and outfits in my closet just begging to be worn, but no pants to match them! I have ordered khaki pants from every online retailer that I trust (most of our shopping is done online these days) and have spent a good bit of money sending them back because they don't fit. Now, if you know me, and most of you do, I am not the smallest woman in America and freely admit this. Everyone has their sizing issues, and mine consist of a larger than average rear end and huge thighs. Most retailers do not make pants to accomodate these things very easily! After trying all my online options, I decided to just look in the stores as I have time and see if they have anything that would work. I visited the GAP last weekend in my unlucky search for pants. Now, the GAP is historically known for selling nice quality basics....and above all jeans and chinos (khaki pants). Well, this is not the GAP of old. They had 3 pairs of khaki pants in the entire store, and all of them were the wide leg variety. Now, I have nothing against wide leg pants and own several pairs; however, when you're a larger woman and you have to get a large size (say a 14!), the said "wide legs" on these pants are wide enough for 4 people's legs to fit comfortably! The leg opening at the bottom engulfs your entire shoe! So, the GAP no longer specializes in khaki pants....although they had about 20 different styles and varieties of black pants. Hmmm.... Anyway, I do recommend their jeans if you happen to have my body type. They're some of the best fitting, if more expensive, jeans for us bigger bottomed women.
So, my search for khaki pants continues at Old Navy this weekend. Again, a pet peeve. They had 1-2 pairs of khaki pants in their entire store....and these were the "lowest rise" variety. Meaning that when you bend over, sit down, or make the tiniest movement they drift down your buttocks and show your rear end. This is not a pretty site....and these pants are usually the cause of the dreaded "muffin top" which can make ever the smallest girl look overweight. So, yet again, a strike out.
My quest for a pair of khaki pants that fits continues.....stay posted for further developments! LOL Actually, this seems really frivolous compared to my previous post; but you can't be serious all the time and I am really determined to find a pair of khaki pants :-)
Until next time.....
Friday, November 9, 2007
ADD, anyone?
This is a wonderful start to a blog, but honestly, it's the latest major happening in the Collins' household. Yesterday was the first parent/teacher conference of the year at Mikayla's school and I was informed - very nicely, by the way - from her teacher that she might have ADD. This isn't something new to us, since her teachers have told us this every year since she was in K-3 - but we assumed she would grow out of it, it was only a borderline condition, and she always did so well in school (usually above average and scores very highly on tests) that we didn't give it much thought. But yesterday's conference really hit hard. Basically, the teacher told me that Mikayla has SO much potential that she's not even reaching because she just can't seem to focus at school. She wants to recommend Mikayla for "Focus Group Classes" (gifted classes) but is hesitant because of the large amount of testing to qualify. We know about the testing because she's been recommened for Focus Group Classes before but could not pass the battery of state tests in the Math/logical thinking areas. Usually, Mikayla's "zone-out" times were in Math, but now it's starting to affect her language arts/writing skills which she has always excelled at. On a side note, can I just say that what is expected of students in school today is NOT what was expected of us when we were in elementary school 20 years ago! She is working on long division and writing early stage term papers (research, note cards, glossary, etc). These things don't work when you can't focus or group activities into logical sequences. To make a long story short, this was a major blow! Part of it is pride on my part - I don't want my child to have psychological problems or a learning deficiency, I want her to be perfect! But at the same time, how can I not attempt to help her reach her full potential in school? So, after much talk, research and tears last night I called made an appointment for her with a psychologist this morning. Funny - we couldn't get an appointment for 2 MONTHS the doctor was backed up so far. Anyway, we're going to have her evaluated to see if she does indeed have ADD, then we'll look into options besides medication since I believe medication should be a last resort.
It's so hard for me to understand this problem because my mind is almost over-organized and my ability to focus is not a problem. Michael, however, still struggles with his ADD and knows exactly how she feels and operates. At least God gave me a partner who can help understand and deal with this on a very personal basis! So, there you have it.....the latest excitement in the Collins family. Now it's time for me to clean bathtubs :-)
It's so hard for me to understand this problem because my mind is almost over-organized and my ability to focus is not a problem. Michael, however, still struggles with his ADD and knows exactly how she feels and operates. At least God gave me a partner who can help understand and deal with this on a very personal basis! So, there you have it.....the latest excitement in the Collins family. Now it's time for me to clean bathtubs :-)
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